23 November, 2012

Hope Flies on Broken Wings by L.F. Falconer

Hope Flies on Broken Wings is a very interesting story that takes place in an unknown time setting and an unknown realm. It's one of those places where you are unsure if magic can happen or not. The only hint of anything magical is the mention of mermen and the good luck charm that comes from finding one of their scales. However, this story has a wonderfully captivating set of characters that just suck you into the story. Especially with such themes as love, hope and destiny. Despite the fact that I normally don't enjoy the "trashy romance" genre of book, surprisingly I did enjoy this, not gonna lie, it actually brought tears to my eyes especially in the last two chapters. 
Unfortunately, with all the good comes some bad, and for my it was the point of view. Initially the author starts the story in the first person, I I I...however, towards the end of the story, when a lot of the action is occurring, the author kept bouncing back and fourth between this first person and having a narrator. It was already hard enough for me to get used to the first person since many stories don't do this, but then I found it even harder to follow the plot after the author kept bouncing around between perspective. Despite all of this this story was still very captivating. The author really caught the style of love that happened during less civilized times around a fishing village. The one thing that I didn't understand was the introduction to Christianity. It was never given a name, but other than the fact that it preached abstinence until marriage, I don't understand the purpose of the other roles it played. Maybe it is just my lack of knowledge of the uprooting of paganism by Christianity, but the parts where the main female character is being told she will burn in eternal damnation, which is throughout the entire book on almost every page,just make no sense to me. other than the straight-forward obvious point of "oh, you have urges that everything alive has? Too bad, if you follow what is instinct you'll go to Hell". 

All in all this novel was well written, other than the point of view bit, and had good themes, especially if you are christian and believe in the whole abstinence before marriage thing that is preached throughout this story.

Disclosure of Material Connection: I received the above book for free from Goodreads First Reads, in the hope that I would mention it on my blog. Regardless, I only recommend products or services I enjoy and believe that my readers will enjoy. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission’s 16 CFR, Part 255: “Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising”

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